周宇红,女,汉族,1968年10月出生于湖南省长沙市,博士,教授,博士生导师。1987年9月进入湖南师范大学化学化工学院攻读学士学位,1991年7月获得学士学位,1991年9月进入湖南师范大学化学化工学院攻读硕士学位,1994年7月获得硕士学位,1997年7月获得博士学位。2000年7月至2003年9月赴美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)化学系进行博士后研究。2003年9月至2006年1月在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)化学系做博后。2006年1月至2008年6月作为人才引进进入中国科学院化学研究所。2008年6月至2012年6月在中国科学院化学研究所攻读博士学位,2012年6月至2015年6月在中国科学院化学研究所博士后流动站工作。2015年7月至2018年7月在清华大学化学与化学工程系任教,2018年7月至现在在清华大学材料学院任教。
1. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”New double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life\”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 143(46): 14157-14165.
2. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”A new approach to the design of high-temperature-resistant batteries for environmental applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2019, 101(1): 44-52.
3. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”High-performance double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 17(24): 3826-3832.
4. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”A double-layer battery with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2018, 101(6): 821-828.
5. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”High-temperature-resistant double-layer batteries for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, 16(26): 5148-5154.
6. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2017, 101(5): 699-707.
7. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2016, 15(34): 6556-6563.
8. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2016, 101(4): 501-508.
9. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, 14(25): 5128-5134.
10. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2015, 101(3): 400-407.
11. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2014, 13(28): 6467-6473.
12. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2014, 101(3): 398-406.
13. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 12(29): 6494-6499.
14. Zh. Y. Hong, Y. Q. Chinese, S. Y. Zhang, X. M. Zhang, L. L. Chinese, X. H. Chinese, and X. P. Wang, \”Double-layer batteries with high energy density and long cycle life for practical applications\”, Journal of the Korean化学 Society, 2013, 101
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